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Positions : want to know more about our roles? Take a look and see what each role does!


Represent the club at local, regional, and state level. Be a supportive leader for all club members. Act as a facilitator for club activities. Most importantly – ensure the planning and budgeting for the future is carried out in accordance with the wishes of the members.

Vice President 

Assisting the President in the club/society's activities, e.g. events and meetings. Helping to oversee the club/society committee structure. Running meetings in the absence of the club/society President, and taking accountability for decisions that are made. Completing any tasks as delegated by the President.

Director of  Social Media 

Shall coordinate with officers to provide updates on all social media platforms on behalf of the club, post club related content at least weekly, respond to messages, comments, and re-shares on all platforms in a timely manner. 

Director of  Web Design 

Shall regularly maintain our official website, incorporate images, internship opportunities, and upload our weekly meeting flyers: director will continuously improve the visual attractiveness usability, and engagement of the website.

Director of Events 

Shall work to bring prominent speakers to interact with the club, organize volunteer opportunities, fundraisers events, and lead the club's effort in further educating members about the opportunities within the marketing club via weekly news letters  

will be responsible for the process of recruiting club members. They will manage the duties of increasing memberships by following up with potential as well as existing members. The director of membership will also work alongside secretaries to keep documentation of member attendance and membership dues and forms.   

Director of Membership 

Director of Public Relations 

Will be responsible for maintaining an updated contact list of professors from the college of Business and economic marketing department, communications department, and related fields of study; director will reach out to professors to share club information and upcoming meetings to share with their students 


Shall aid in all club promotions and activities with additional responsibility in controlling and allocating club funds upon final approval of all officers  in conjunction with the faculty advisor. The Treasurer must maintain a financial history of the organization be responsible for organizing the club's finacial dara based on fundraising, spending, and budgeting. 


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